American Society of Plastic Surgeons
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Plastic Surgery Fellowship and Training Directory

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Sponsoring Entity Information

Brigham and Women's Hospital Division of Plastic Surgery
University Based
United States

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Training Opportunity Information

Gender Reassignment/Transgender Surgery
The Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital is pleased to offer a 1-year fellowship in gender-affirming surgery. Under the leadership of Dr. Devin O’Brien-Coon, Fellowship Director and Clinical Director of the BWH Center for Transgender Health, and Dr. Andrea Pusic, Chief of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the program is a leader in gender surgery both clinically and in research. The fellowship delivers complete training in all core procedures, including and facial feminization, phalloplasty, metoidioplasty, vaginoplasty, and non-gender microsurgical urogenital reconstruction across five core faculty. BWH, along with McMaster University, is the home site for GENDER-Q, the first fully comprehensive and validated patient reported outcome metric for gender care. Accordingly, a broad range of emerging research opportunities and collaborations are available to study and improve GAS patient care. Program leadership training is also available. The fellow will hold a faculty attending appointment as Clinical Instructor with opportunities for graduated independence and will have an independent clinic. • Supervisor(s): Under the direction of Dr. Devin O’Brien-Coon, the fellow will work closely with all BWH Plastic Surgery faculty who perform gender affirming surgery. The emphasis of the fellowship is on complex (i.e., face and bottom) rather than top surgery. • On-call requirement: 8 weeks of junior attending call, meaning the fellow will be paired with a plastic surgery attending and residents will present cases to the fellow who can then operate as an attending if clinically appropriate. • Education: The fellow will participate in all BWH Division of Plastic Surgery educational conferences as well as Harvard Plastic Surgery wide conferences, which occur on a weekly basis. Funding is offered to subsidize attendance at one major conference (generally either ASRM, ASPS or AAPS). Fellows are expected to take a graduated role in resident education and develop the capacity to independently supervise residents and medical students for some procedures. • Evaluation: Case-based feedback, mid-rotation feedback, end-of-rotation evaluation, end-of-year evaluation. • Salary: Commensurate with PGY level Eligible applicants must meet requirements to obtain a full medical license in the state of Massachusetts. To apply, please send CV to Shannon Weiss at
Devin O'Brien Coon
7-12 Months
Domestic or International Applicants
Applicants must be eligible to obtain a full MA medical license
In Plastic Surgey Residency/Training Program, In Fellowship, In Active Practice