can a trauma (lip biting) induced hyperkeratosis on the outer side of the lower lip be removed with a vermillionecotmy (removal of the skin on the lip)
This sounds like self diagnosis through online searches and is not recommended. From your post it is not clear if the lesion you see is due to lip biting or the lip biting is a response to the lesion. Given the usual sun exposure in southern California the latter is more likely. You need a diagnosis before a treatment can be recommended and that may require a biopsy before anything definitive can be done.
I should see photo of your lip problem and i think before any surgery you must doing biopsy.
Thank you for sharing your question. I think it best to be seen in person for an evaluation and diagnosis of the hyperkeratosis. A treatment can then be rendered that best addresses the issue.
unlikely that a vermilionectomy should be done for a benign condition like hyperkeratosis. A proper biopsy needs to be taken first