American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
4 years ago

Fat transfer/breast augmentation

Hello, I am 34 and have breastfed 3 children. As a result the size of my breast has decreased and is no longer lifted. I am more interested in a fat transfer for augmentation and hope to increase 2 cup sizes. Is this possible? Are there surgeons who perform this in New England?

Procedure: Breast Augmentation
Location: Hermon, ME

Replies 2

Nelson Castillo

Thank you for sharing your excellent question. This is a possibility and can be done in conjunction with a breast lift if excess skin is present. That said two cup sizes of growth will probably require a couple of fat transfer sessions.

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Richard Kutz
ASPS Surgeon
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Hello and thanks for your question. I agree with Dr. Castillo’s response in terms of possibly needing both a lift as well as one or likely more rounds of fat grafting to achieve the results you desire. This is something we can offer.

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