American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
5 years ago


How much does the average midsection lipo procedure cost?

Procedure: Liposuction
Location: Tamworth, NH

Replies 3

Steven Wallach
ASPS Surgeon
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The cost for Liposuction will vary from surgeon to surgeon. Your best first to go in for a consultation be evaluated by your chosen surgeon.

Jon Ver Halen

Hello and thank you for your excellent question. Consumer websites, like Real Self or Build My Bod can give you estimates for geographic area with respect to specific procedures. However, the most reliable technique is to call local offices to request a quote. If you have any questions, call our office for assistance. Good luck!

Matthew Camp
ASPS Surgeon

This is a very good question. As usual, there is the caveat that prices vary from practice to practice. However, in my practice the base price is $5,000 for one region of liposuction, with each additional region being $3,000. The final quote is determined on date of consultation.


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