American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
4 years ago

How long is the wait?

I had textured gel implants for 8years. I went in to have them replaced, I wanted a bigger, more proportionate. Different surgeon. I came out of surgery with implants removed, and no new ones. Both implants had ruptured, unbeknownst to us. He is making me wait at least 3 months before another surgery to avoid capsular contracture. He is triple board certified so I trust him. Any other opinions?

Procedure: Breast Implant Revision
Location: webb city, MO

Replies 5

Gary Culbertson
ASPS Surgeon
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In some ruptured implant patients the scaring can be so severe that waiting to replace the breast implants at a latter date can be the safest option. Waiting until you are completely healed, utilizing a new pocket for the breast implant and not placing a foreign body into a oversized cavity can be a patients best option not only to prevent capsular contracture but, to prevent having a ball in a sack complication. This can and often does take at least 3 months to achieve. Best,

Gary R Culbertson, MD, FACS

Daniel Allan

More information is needed. Were the original implants on top of the pectoralis muscle or underneath? Was there free silicon gel in the pocket? Did the surgeon do a capsulectomy? Was there significant bleeding? Did you have an existing capsular contracture? Ultimately, it is a judgement call. Incidentally, waiting three months, or longer, is no guarantee you won't have capsular contracture.

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Susan Buenaventura
ASPS Surgeon
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It sounds like your surgeon used good judgment based on the condition of the breast tissue with the ruptured silicone at the time. Waiting 3 months is very reasonable, to let the tissue get back to normal before you place a new implant. While it is difficult to be without your implants for the waiting time, if implants were placed in an unhealthy pocket, you have a higher likelihood of infection early on, contracture later and possible infection. Sometimes ruptured implant pockets look okay and sometimes they don't. Surgeons have to use their judgment at the time (for the patient's benefit). Good luck to you!

Nelson Castillo

Thank you for sharing your question and I am sorry to hear of your complication. Depending on what what seen at the time of surgery this is a very conservative and appropriate approach to treatment.

Adolfo Sesto
ASPS Int. Surgeon

Hello McKenzie. I really do not know the reasons why your surgeon took that option. There must be a good one. Commonly it is possible to remove the capsule and the implants and replace them in the same surgery.


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