American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
4 years ago

Old Implants

I have old saline implants. The left implant is not visible in a mammogram, although the right is plainly visible. Should I be concerned about where the left one is? I have to assume the saline leaked out, but where could the capsule be?

Procedure: Breast Augmentation
Location: El Dorado Springs, MO

Replies 2

Debra Johnson
ASPS Surgeon

The left implant has likely deflated and is “flat as a pancake” so difficult to see on a mammogram. You may now notice a size difference between the two breasts. You could have the implant replaced. It might have a lifetime warranty wherein the company would give you a new free replacement. If you don’t want to replace you can have the implants removed fairly easily., although living with the deflated implant shell poses no risk other than occasional discomfort if it ends up folding up on itself and creating a pressure point.

Enriquillo Clime Rivera
ASPS Int. Surgeon

Based on what you tell us, The left implant has likely deflated, and thats way is difficult to see on a mammogram. I think you should have the implant replaced, maybe you should consider silicon gel.


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