American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
4 years ago

Permanent Suture Removal

I had a TT 5 years ago to repair hernias and severe diastasis recti following 3 pregnancies (one with twins). The results are good and I have restored strength to my core. Over the past 2 years the permanent suture knots have started protruding below my belly button. I’m thin so you can see them and it’s also painful! How can this be corrected? Will removing them weaken my core again? Thanks!

Procedure: Tummy Tuck
Location: carmel, IN

Replies 3

Karol Gutowski
ASPS Surgeon

These sutures can be removed without compromising your repair. At this point, the healing is done. I've done this for a few patients with just a local anesthetic.

Dennis Hurwitz
ASPS Surgeon
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the permanent should be removed as your repair is secure.

Nelson Castillo

Thank you for sharing your question. You should be able to have these removed without compromising your repair and core strength.


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