I had a hysterectomy in August 2019, and the surgeon used my C-section scar. I used to have a completely flat stomach and now I have a band of skin (a lip?) that hangs over the scar. I am 5 feet, 2 inches and 102 pounds. I have difficulty wearing clothing because of where the pouch rests and it causes discomfort. Is a tummy tuck my only option?
It sounds as though you are a very thin person. I am sorry you are having this difficulty and I am sure it is frustrating.. You might be a candidate to just have a simple scar revision or a mini tummy-tuck, rather than a full abdominoplasty. . In order to advise you further, I would need to see a photo of the abdomen and the scar.
This overhanging fold of skin is usually caused by adherence of your hysterectomy scar to the deeper layers. A mini-abdominoplasty can reliably improve this deformity. A mini-abdominoplasty is associated with a shorter scar than a full abdominoplasty as well as a shorter recovery. If you want to avoid this type of surgery, liposuction can often improve the situation if your skin fold has bulging fat; however, the results are not as complete.
Thank you for your question. Dr. Monasebian, our Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, has been able to correct this deformity without having to redo the entire procedure again. Of course, an examination is necessary prior to any procedure and we would be happy to see you if you are in the New York City area. Regards, Dr. Monasebian and Park Avenue Plastic Surgery.
It could still be swelling attributing to some of this overhang. I would give it a full year first. If it still hangs over a bit then perhaps a scar revision may be appropriate. Good luck!
This is not an uncommon problem. Typically, it can be corrected with a scar revision. This can be done under local anesthesia if it is simply a scar revision. Should you need a tummy tuck or mini tummy tuck than that would be more involved. That is typically done under either general anesthesia or IV sedation. Without seeing a picture is difficult to recommend one procedure over another.
Thank you for sharing your question. Without photographs it is difficult to say with any certainty but at a minimum you could have a scar revision/mini-TT to address the lip of excess skin and to creat a flatter overall appearance. Hope this helps.