American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
4 years ago

The Right Questions

What should I ask when going to a consultation about tummy tucks. What type of surgeon to I choose. Is this a fail proof procedure meaning is it rare for a procedure to botch?

Procedure: Tummy Tuck
Location: Norco, CA

Replies 3

J. Gerald Minniti
ASPS Surgeon

A tummy tuck is a commonly performed surgery by ABPS certified surgeons, but it is not a sure thing that you’ll look great. It requires not only experience, but skill and an artistic eye. The quality of a modern tummy tuck far surpasses that of just ten years ago. Combining liposuction, direct fat excision, appreciation for scar position, and the use of progressive tension sutures, makes the modern tummy tuck more complex. Board certification, membership to the ASAPS, lots of photos, and good referrals from people in the community will help guide you.

Steven Wallach
ASPS Surgeon
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It is impossible to eliminate all risk, but in general if you are healthy the risks are very low. What questions to ask? It’s hard to say. I know that when I meet with patients I usually answer almost all their questions in my discussion of the procedure with them. Look at my website there is an entire section of faqs on tummy tuck. Good luck!

Nelson Castillo

Thank you for sharing your question. This website provides some key questions under the tummytuck/abdominoplasty section that you can ask surgeons and you should look out for one certified by the American board of Plastic Surgery. Tummy tucks are among the most commonly performed procedures annually and although not all risk can be eliminated, there are many ways to minimize them. Hope this helps.


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