American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
4 years ago

Tuberous Breasts

I have a mild case of tuberous breasts and I still like the size of my breasts but I’d like have tissue-based surgery without an implant. I was wondering what the cost would be. I have large, puffy areolas and my breasts don’t have much tissue towards the lower poles. Is there any other form of surgery I could have that wouldn’t need such an invasive surgery?

Procedure: Breast Reconstruction
Location: Miami, FL

Replies 4

Debra Johnson
ASPS Surgeon

It is very difficult to offer options without knowing what your breasts look like. There are techniques to improve the appearance of a puffy areola, and fat grafting can be considered to add volume to the lower pole without an implant. Any surgery has risks, such as changing the sense of feeling to the breast or nipple, and creating scar. If possible, I would wait until after your have finished childbearing, since pregnancy often changes the way the breasts in terms of size and shape.

Nelson Castillo

Thank you for sharing your question. Without photographs or an in-person examination it is difficult to offer definite advice but fat grafting may be an option, as would fast grafting to the breasts. See a series of surgeons in consultation to discuss your best option

Sara Dickie
ASPS Surgeon
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Thank you for your question, Jenni. I agree with the other respondents that it would help to see photos in order to be more specific. What I can offer is that if your main concern is the areola size and not volume of breast tissue a mastopexy can fix mild tuberous breasts. The mastopexy takes a donut-shaped piece of areolar skin out and allows the surgeon to redistribute some of the tissue in the areola into the breast. The scar typically falls around the areola only. This surgery can often times be done under local anesthesia or twilight anesthesia. The cost will vary depending on your surgeon and the anesthesia needed. The best advice I can offer is for you to have an in person consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon in your area. Best of luck, stay well!


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