What procedure would half to be done if the patients nasal bone had fractured about a year ago causing the nasal bone from the side to split away from the rest of the septum? Causing for one side to be more depressed then the other. Also would it be possible for procedure like this to be done under local anesthesia or it would have to be under general?
If you have an old nasal fracture, then you will likely need osteotomies or cuts in the bone to make them mobile so that they can be placed back in position
At this point the fracture is well healed and it would have to be refractured in a controlled manner (osterotomies). I don't think you would want this done under local anesthesia.
Hello, a rhinoplasty would be the procedure that involves moving the bone back to its original position. This should be done under general anesthesia. I recommend a virtual consult with a board-certified surgeon near you.
Mark Albert MD
New York, NY
Many rhinoplasty patients have asymmetry in the nasal bones, even in the absence of a fracture. Often times, patients will need the bones to be surgically re-fractured (osteotomies), and when profound asymmetries exist, the patterns of osteotomy will be different right versus left.
Your problem is easily repaired by re-breaking the nasal bones and placing them in the midline. The left bone would be elevated out and the right bone placed in. Some patients just don't like the idea of general anesthesia.. If you are brave, you can be given a very short acting general anesthetic lasting several seconds. During that time your nose can be anesthetized. You would be awake for the procedure but it would not hurt. It really is not a big deal.
After one year it can be corrected at surgery with a new controlled bone fracture (osteotomy), it could be done under regional anesthesia and sedation but I really don´t recommend that; patient can move in the middle of the surgery and can get hurt. After nasal reconstructive procedures mainly after trauma part of the inicial deformities can come back after some moths becase of scar and the healing of the bone tissue, usually minimal when it happens.