American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
Magaly martell
4 years ago

Wondering my options

Hi! Im a new mom my baby is almost five months old and i breastfeed exclusivly. My breasts are hanging and im really young, i would like to get breat fillers on my breasts after i stop breastfeeding. Any advice and around how much is the procedure

Procedure: Injectable Fillers
Location: Ciales, PR

Replies 2

Edward Domanskis

It sounds like you are an excellent candidate for breast implants and possibly some lift to reshape your breasts. Fat injections will not give you much increase in size or uplift. I would recomend sendiong me some hotos so I could evaluate better and give you estimate. Thank you! Dr. Ed Domanskis

David Rapaport
ASPS Surgeon
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Hi Magaly,

What you are describing is a very common problem that many women struggle with. When a board-certified plastic surgeon takes a look at you, they will primarily be analyzing the position of the nipples and breast tissue in relation to the fold under your breasts. From this analysis, they could then determine if a breast lift or implants are the best option for you. If the nipple position is significantly below the fold and you have lots of extra skin, a lift could be what is recommended. However, if there is overall sagginess or emptiness but the nipple position is not too low, the best option for you could be implants.

I recommend you obtain a virtual consult with your local board-certified plastic surgeon. If you are interested, we are based in New York City but would be more than happy to schedule you for a virtual consult.

I wish you the best of luck on your journey.


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