American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
4 years ago

Can a Plastic Surgeon do a combined Ventral fat hernia repair with a Tummy tuck?

Whether it is true or not, I read that a Plastic Surgeon can do a combined surgery to repair a Ventral fat hernia in combination with a tummy tuck. I live in Upstate NY about 30 miles from the Canadian Border. Is there any Board Certified Surgeons that you could recommend that would perform such a procedure in NY State? I am willing to travel. Thank you advance and I look forward to your response.

Procedure: Tummy Tuck
Location: Gouverneur, NY

Replies 7

Steven Wallach
ASPS Surgeon
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I think it depends on the severity of the hernia. If bowel is adherent to the hernia, then it is probably best to perform this in conjunction with a general surgeon. It is really individualized from case to case.

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Mark Albert
ASPS Surgeon
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It depends on the size of the hernia. It is reasonable to do it at the same time in a conservative fashion. Often plastic surgeons have a specific general surgeon they do cases with. I would recommend a virtual consult with a board certified plastic surgeon to discuss your case further.

Mark G. Albert, M.D.

New York, NY

John Newton

Hi Chrissy

At the time of your abdominoplasty is an ideal time to repair your abdominal wall. First, find out if you have a true hernia or a "bulge" secondary to muscle separation. An ultrasound or an MRI will tell you. If it is a bulge, it is part of a standard adbominplasty to repair this. If it is a true hernia, a more detailed repair of the defect may be needed. Many qualified plastic surgeons are very capable of this, but your plastic surgeon may prefer to involve a general surgeon. Talk with him about it.

Best wishes, Dr John Newton

Larry Weinstein
ASPS Surgeon
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Ventral hernias are often severe diastasis rectus. The fascia between the rectus muscles can become very thin with weight gain and or pregnancy. Repairing a ventral hernia and reconstruction of the abdominal wall is well within the skill set of most board certified real plastic surgeons. Incarcerated bowel in an inguinal hernia is more the provence of a general surgeon. See a board certified plastic surgeon in consultation. Good luck...

Nelson Castillo

Thank you for sharing your question. In most instances of a large ventral hernia, a combined procedure with a general surgeon may be required. I would first seek out assistance for the hernia and if a good candidate, then a tummy tuck may be possible at the same time.

Lawrence Glassman
ASPS Surgeon

It is not uncommon to combine a tummy tuck with a ventral hernia repair. On these types of cases, I work with a general surgeon who usually repairs the hernia with a mesh placed behind your abdominal muscles. During the same operation, a tummy tuck is performed. The long-term success of these operations is dependent upon a patient’s general health, smoking history, and body mass index. Preliminary evaluation can be performed through a Telehealth consultation.

Douglas Monasebian
ASPS Surgeon
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Good day and thank you for your questions. Dr. Monasebian, our Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, will be able to address your concerns. He would have to see you in person to examine you and ask you questions. It is possible to perform a ventral hernia repair at the same time as an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). After that, all options can be discussed. We would be happy to see you if you are in the New York City area. Medical insurance may help cover the costs of the procedure if deemed medically necessary which can be determined at your consultation. We look forward to meeting you soon.

Regards, Dr. Monasebian and Park Avenue Plastic Surgery.


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