If I get a breast reduction which I am under 18 will this reduce my back pain ? Also if I do get a breast reduction since my curve is about 42” and it’s shaped like an S would I still need to get back surgery or would I have to choose between the 2 surgeries?
Hello, I would need more information about your breasts and other factors to comment on whether a breast reduction would help your back pain. I would not be able to speculate about scoliosis surgery since plastic surgeons do not perform spine surgery for scoliosis. I would recommend a virtual consultation to discuss your case further.
Mark G. Albert, M.D.
New York, NY
Breast reduction surgery may improve symptoms of back and neck pain but there is no guarantee. I do not think it would have any effect on your scoliosis.
Hello. On of the few procedures covered by insurance is a breast reduction to reduce back pain. As for the back surgery you should consult an specialist.