Difference in the healing process between the vertical thighplasty and the inner thighplasty? My question is as a 35 year old patient who’s lost 140 pounds, How do you help your patient decide between the two procedures? A part of me wants less of a visible scar, but the other part wants more for more results. The patient who has already had an FDL tummy tuck I don’t know if I want more of a scar
Thank you for sharing your excellent question. The best decision can only be made with an in-person examination. Plastic surgery is a tradeoff between improved shape and contour for a scar. If your thigh skin responds best to only vertical tightening then an inner thighplasty may be an option but in most cases of >100 pound weight loss and vertical thighplasty is likely needed to address vertical and circumferential skin excess. Hope this helps.
I understand your aversion to a long body scar on your thighs after having a Fleur de Lys abdominplasty. . However, if you have loose skin along the mid and lower portion of your thighs then the only recognized effective operation is vertical thighplasty. If you medial thigh scar is placed slightly posterior it will not me visible when looking straight on. Make sure your sure has considerable experience in body contouring surgery.
I would agree. I do not like placing scars and that one does not heal that well. I would probably recommend lipo and modified horizontal scar. I am President of the American Society of Bariatric Plastic Surgeons and this is my specialty.