American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
3 years ago

Filler before lip lift

Is it safe to get cheek filler and botox less than 24 hours before a surgical lip lift?

Procedure: Dermal Fillers
Location: Oakland, CA

Replies 3

Michael Kulick
ASPS Surgeon
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Yes you should be able to receive a cheek filler and a neurotoxin before your surgery. To be sure you should ask your surgeon that is performing your surgical lip lift.

Samir Shureih

This is a discussion you need to discuss with your plastic surgeon.

It might be better to do the surgery without the changes of the fillers and neurotoxins.

Robin Sykes
ASPS Surgeon

It should be safe to have cheek filler and botox before the surgery - with, of course, FDA -approved sterile products. However, no filler or botox should be used in the surgical area.


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