American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
4 years ago

Poor outcome?

I had a gynecomastia surgery done 7 weeks ago. We agreed on a semilunar technique with lipo. I woke up with huge scars below my chest and no lipo performed. I’m very upset about this as it is not what I agreed upon.

Did this unconventional technique cause me to have a botched outcome? Can it be fixed? I called for my follow up visit and found out he no longer works at the hospital! Please help!

Procedure: Male Breast Reduction
Location: indianapolis, IN

Replies 3

George Marosan
ASPS Surgeon
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Sorry for your poor surgery. I personally never see an incision placed in an obvious visible place on the torso. I personally, place a one cm stab wound within the areola ( the pigmented skin around the nipple) and one in the armpit. This leaves no visible scar, no sign that surgery was ever done.

Most surgeons place a half circle incision around the lower pole of the areola, I believe this is not necessary either. I remove excel breast tissue through the 1 cm incision.

What’s more upsetting, that your results are not good and you also have a long visible scar. You still have gynecomastia and poor definition of the male chest.

You need to find your surgeon or raise your concerns with the hospital. A surgeon cannot just disappear.

Good luck with your healing.

George Marosan, M.D.

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Dennis Hurwitz
ASPS Surgeon
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Usually moderate sized gynecomastia is corrected with a combination of liposuction through remote stab wound incisions (I prefer ultrasonic assisted lipoplasty) and a pull through resection through an incision in or around the areola. Your inframammary scar should heal leaving a fine scar and most of the breast prominence gone. If not revision surgery is indicated.

Nelson Castillo

Thank you for sharing your question and photograph. This is an unusual incision placement for a mild case of gynecomastia and I would hope the hospital will do its best in finding a surgeon willing to work with you on this matter. If not, or if delayed, you may want to find local ASPS board certified surgeons in your area for a second opinion.

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