American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
3 years ago

Helping Pain

Am I to old and could it improve my neck and shoulder pain?

Procedure: Breast Lift
Location: oxford, KS

Replies 3

Javier Valero Gasalla

you could not be completely sure that it would improve since your pain could have diverse origins. However, many patients undergoing breast augmentation and reduction report improvement after the procedure. You can find a surgeon in your area by using Find A Surgeon in this website

Jonathan Amspacher
ASPS Surgeon
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If you are healthy enough to undergo anesthesia and expect to live another 5-10 years, then you are not too old to get enough benefit to make the surgery worth while. It helps improve many patient's symptoms of neck and back pain but not everyone gets equal benefit.

Nelson Castillo

Thank you for sharing your question. Assuming you are otherwise a good candidate for surgery, and your breasts are the source of your discomfort, then your age should not play a role. Hope this helps.


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