I’ve done some research and I haven’t seen many younger women do these procedures. I’m only 19 and I’ve always been very uncomfortable with how my breasts sag and how much extra skin I have. My question was, how old should I be before I start seriously considering these procedures, if not now? I have always been interested in these procedures but I also don’t want to risk ruining my breasts either
There are no specific age restrictions for a breast lift per se. At 19 you do not need permission to undergo a procedure. However it is a good idea to be seen in person to see what your breasts look like and whether or not they truly sag. Once this is performed a surgical plan can be discussed if it is indicated. Good luck
You are correct, it is not very common for a 19 year old to need a breast lift; however, it is certainly not impossible for it to occur. At your age, you may be needing a breast REDUCTION, which is much more common for your age group. You mention that your breasts sag. Are they extremely large and heavy as well? My best advice: seek out a board certified Plastic Surgeon who can do a good examination. He or she will be able to recommend the best procedure for you and explain the pros and cons of surgery at your age. Best of luck!
Hello and thank you for your question. There is no age restriction for a breast lift or reduction. I counsel young women that the surgery should be postponed until their breasts are done developing - that age varies for each person, but if you are at a stable breast size and don't plan on an immediate pregnancy or large weight changes then I recommend you seek consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon to discuss options.
Best of luck!
Dr. Katerina Gallus MD FACS
I have done cosmetic breast reductions and lifts in patients as young as 16. Key is that you have finished growing and you are mature enough to understand the risks and possible benefits of the procedure. See a board certified plastic surgeon in consultation. Good luck...
Some young women have breasts that do not appear youthful, either because of the size or sagging of the sagging skin. Breast lift operations are very successful with the trade off being the scars. If the operation is done well and the patient has good skin the scars should fade and become difficult to see. It is well worth it if the lift would make you feel more confident and comfortable in your own "skin". Good luck.
Dear Megolive,
Hello and thank you for your excellent question. To be honest, there is not "right" age to have a breast lift or reduction. I have had elderly women who have wanted this procedure their whole lives, and have finally decided to have it done. On the contrary, I have had teenagers who cannot participate in high school sports because of their breast size have the procedure performed. The best answer is: the right time for the surgery, is when you have weighed the pros and cons, and decided to have it performed. I recommend that you find a board-certified, or board-eligible plastic surgeon with whom you are comfortable. Be sure to have all of your questions answered during a face-to-face meeting with your surgeon, and review before and after pictures of similar patients whom have had this procedure. If you have any questions, call our office for assistance. Good luck!