American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
4 years ago


I had surgery (tummy tuck and lipo of the flanks) 10 weeks ago. The doctor keeps saying there is swelling. He drained a seroma a total of 4 times. The bump had no fluid as of 2 weeks ago but the bump is not going away.. and the flanks look similar to my pre op pics... thought?

Pre op pic is included in pics. Height 5’2, weight 130lbs. Surgery was tummy tuck with 1 drain and flank lipo.

Procedure: Tummy Tuck
Location: Columbus, OH

Replies 3

George Marosan
ASPS Surgeon
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No meaningful answer can be give based on the limited history presented. Height, weight, BMI, preop and postop photos, exact surgery that was done, drain/no drain. Once you repost the information, maybe a more helpful answer can be given. Good luck with your healing.

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Nelson Castillo

Thank you for sharing your question. A tummy tuck with liposuction can have prolonged swelling, with final results not being known for 6-12 months after surgery. Because of your history it is important to rule out a recurrent seroma as larger ones will not be absorbed and will require serial drainages. Hope this helps.

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Robert Lewis
ASPS Surgeon

This is a very tough question without knowing the information that Dr. Marosan has mentioned. Be patient, you can have prolonged swelling following a tummy tuck, especially in the situation where you have liposuction at the same setting. Best of luck, talk with your surgeon about your concerns.


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