American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
3 years ago

Would a chin implant alongside rhinoplasty give me a more attractive profile?

I've always hated my profile. I am looking at rhinoplasty to even out the bump on my nose and reduce the tip slightly. But would a chin implant also be beneficial? Is there any other procedures I should also consider to give me a more attractive profile?

Procedure: Chin Surgery
Location: St Petersburg, FL

Replies 6

Daniel Allan

Unable to respond to your question without a picture.

Alexander Anzarut
ASPS Surgeon

This is an excellent question. A chin implant is often used with nasal surgery. If someone has a small chin this will make the nose appear larger. Other parts of the profile that are treated to improve facial profile in the correct candidates include a neck lift or lip lift. Make sure you choose a board certified plastic surgeon and review their long term results.

All the best,


Mauro Tarallo
ASPS Int. Surgeon

Possibly, if you have a short chin with an implant your profile will improve, but is difficult to tell without a picture.

McKay McKinnon
ASPS Surgeon

Of course no accurate diagnosis can be made without photos, or better, an examination. You might research the topic of GENIOPLASTY before you settle on a chin implant. A genioplasty is a surgical movement of the chin itself (forwards, backwards, upwards, etc.). It is more natural and more effective at permanently changing the chin. Most plastic surgeons do not offer genioplasty because they are not trained and experienced in it. The procedure is done inside the mouth, without a visible scar.

Parvaiz Malik
ASPS Surgeon
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If you have a smaller chin compared to the profile of the nose, chin implant can definitely improve your facial features.

Iliana Elias Sweis
ASPS Surgeon
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It is important to evaluate your profile thoroughly before answering this question. A profile photo is helpful, but not enough. Ideally, we would also evaluate your bite to make certain that you have proper occlusion, and that an abnormal occlusion not the cause of the perceived "weak chin". A chin implant may be a good option if you have normal occlusion, normal vertical length to your chin, but just need some additional projection. If your occlusion is an issue, then different surgical techniques are available. If the occlusion is fine, but the chin is short and without enough projection, then a sliding genioplasty (where the bone is cut and pulled vertically down) would add length and projection.


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