American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
3 years ago

Need belly button fixed :-(

I need help. I have tried numerous searches and hopefully this will give me answers. I had a TT w/ umbilical hernia repair in 2018. My belly died and I have had a few belly button revisions but it still looks the same! Red circle. Im trying to find a surgeon who specializes in this or if I can redo the whole TT over again and just have a scar where the original button was. Pls HELP!

Procedure: Cosmetic Surgery
Location: Chicago, IL

Replies 2

Karol Gutowski
ASPS Surgeon

Based on your picture, you may need to have the scar removed, then a new belly button created a few months later.

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Adolfo Sesto
ASPS Int. Surgeon

Hello. All you need is a recontruction of the belly button . It is an outpatient procedure performed by IV sedation and local anesthesia. All the scar is removed and then a new belly is created, all at once.


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