American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
3 years ago

Nerve Pain Risk

Hello, I have had a C5-C6 fusion and am VERY afraid of nerve pain, considering I’ve been living with thoracic outlet syndrome for over a year and radiculopathy. I have done some research on nerve pain, though would like to know - how often do we see chronic nerve pain as an outcome from breast implants, and what is the risk of damaging a nerve that branches to the arm/thoracic outlet.

Procedure: Breast Augmentation
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Replies 2

J. Gerald Minniti
ASPS Surgeon

There is no risk to damaging nerves to the arm (which pass through the thoracic outlet). As for any chronic nerve pain, there is very little risk of that associated with breast augmentation as well.

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David Rapaport
ASPS Surgeon
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You ask an interesting question, and we are sorry to hear about your past difficulties with nerve pain. It is completely understandable that you should have concerns considering your history. In Dr. Rapaport's 30 years of experience performing this surgery, he cannot remember a single patient that has had chronic nerve pain issues following a breast augmentation. He understands this to be a very rare and unusual complication. He however recommends that you speak with your neurologist to confirm that there is nothing in your anatomy that places you at higher risk for this particular complication. If you are local to NYC, you are more than welcome to schedule a virtual (then in-person) consultation with our office to further discuss your concerns and speak face-to-face with Dr. Rapaport.

We wish you the best in your journey!


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