American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
3 years ago

Biofilm and risks

I had microtextured implants. Removed due to grade 2 CC. My question is, because the capsules are left inside, is there still biofilm there? Can i get inflamtory reaction?

Procedure: Breast Implant Removal
Location: Haifa, HD - Israel

Replies 2

Jaime Anger
ASPS Int. Surgeon

The biofilm forms around the envelope, attached and mainly around gross texture. If the surgeon who removed the inplants left the capsule it means the tissues were in good conditions. Its a good procedure to take out peaces of capsule during the explantation and send to pathological exam and biofilm detection but it is expansive and for biofilm very difficult.

Stephen Warren
ASPS Surgeon
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It is convenient for the surgeon to leave the capsule in place, but I believe this does the patient a disservice. The capsule should be removed with the implant. Whether it is "biofilm" or BIA-ALCL, if it was in the capsule, it's still in you. Now, of course, the odds of either being present in the capsule are low, so you could play the odds and leave the capsule alone. If you can't "play the odds" then have the capsule removed.

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