I had aggressive liposuction and need liposuction revision. Thank you.
Repair of bad liposuction is going to be very difficult and possibly impossible to achieve 100% repair.
Work with your surgeon because this may require multiple procedures . If the dented areas are not adherent to the dermis and facia of the muscle then gradual fat transfer to the dented areas , Possibly micro-liposuction of the raised areas to achieve some normalcy. May take multiple procedures since fat transfer will not be guaranteed to take and have to be repeated. Expenses are high.
Good day and thank you for your questions. Dr. Monasebian, our Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, will be able to address your concerns. He would have to see you in person to examine you and ask you questions. There are possible surgical and non surgical options including micro-liposuction and fat transfer as well as non surgical skin and fat remodeling with our InMode Radiofrequency machines. We would be happy to see you if you are in the New York City area. We look forward to meeting you soon.
Regards, Dr. Monasebian and Park Avenue Plastic Surgery.
Thank you for sharing your question and photographs and I am sorry that your results are not what you anticipated. I would seek out second opinions with surgeons in your area to get the best treatment advice - most commonly a combination of continued liposuction and fat grafting. Hope this helps.
We're so sorry your experiencing these problems. Liposuction is a procedure that I am extremely familiar with; It is one of my top 3 most frequent procedures. I have treated both new patients and patients coming in for revisions. I most definitely can help with your situation. You are welcome to call the office and schedule a consultation. I would be happy to evaluate you in person and come up with the best possible treatment plan moving forward.
Best of luck!
Thanks for sharing your story. For revision liposuction, I consider the following options: possible removal of loose skin (being able to optimally redrape skin helps to camouflage irregularities), possible additional liposuction, possible micro-fat transfer, possible BodyTite (radiofrequency soft tissue contraction treatment). I agree that you will not be able to achieve perfection - that is true with any surgery! Your photo does show some contour/ shadowing irregularities that I think could be improved upon. Best of luck!