American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
3 years ago

Unevenness in height of breasts after double mastectomy with tissue expanders

I had a double mastectomy with bilateral tissue expander placement for R side IDC. I now notice that my right breast is significantly higher than my left breast, which leaves a deficient inframammary fold and creates puffy tissue near my armpit. It looks horrible. The left breast is more natural placement. What should I do? I have another fill appointment in two weeks.

Procedure: Breast Reconstruction
Location: Kalamazoo, MI

Replies 3

Ellis Tavin
ASPS Surgeon
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Please bring the asymmetry to the attention of your surgeon. In my experience what you describe may be a result of rotation of the tissue expander. This is usually not a long term problem. Expansion can proceed in most cases without affecting the final results.

Po-Chung An
ASPS Int. Surgeon

Usually using tissue expander is still in the middle stage of breast reconstruction.

Rotation and movement could happen and change the shape temporarily. It is not the final result.

Your doctor might try to adjust the position in the next filling.

I think you can keep filling and discuss with your doctor.

Nelson Castillo

Thank you for sharing your question. Unfortunately without photographs before and after surgery it is difficult to comment other than to say to discuss your concerns with your surgeon as they are in the best position to provide you reassurance or advice.


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