American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
3 years ago

Is it safe to smoke 4 years after rhinoplasty?

Specifically, I had a columella strut graft (made from cadaver cartilage) put in my nose in order to increase projection. Is has been 4 years since I had the surgery. Can smoking 4-years post op adversely impact the graft or the final outcome? Thanks in advance.

Procedure: Rhinoplasty
Location: los angeles, CA

Replies 4

Mauro Tarallo
ASPS Int. Surgeon

Not at all, it will not affect your graft.

Mohamed Amir Mrad
ASPS Surgeon

It’s never safe to smoke. But if you smoke a few month after your surgery, it would not affect the results. Good luck.

Arthur Perry
ASPS Surgeon
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OK. It's been 4 years since you smoked? It's never ok to smoke. It's the worst thing you can do to your body and it deteriorates your appearance. So no. Don't smoke.

Nelson Castillo

Best thing to do is never to smoke but after four years it would not have an impact on your graft. Hope this helps.


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