Is it possible to have a labia minora reduction?
Labia minora reduction is a very common surgical procedure done . Several techniques are available.
See a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and after history and examination can discuss the best surgical plan and your expectations and type of anesthesia.
Labia reduction surgery also known as labiaplasty has become a very popular procedure. Women typically have the procedure because of embarrassment, cosmetic concerns, dryness or irritation.
Labia minora reduction, also known as labiaplasty, is a very common procedure performed to remove the excess and often discolored tissue that develops along the edge of the labia minora. It is performed on women of all age groups. Sometimes the changes seen following puberty or child-bearing lead to enlargement of the labia minora making certain activities more uncomfortable and/or creating emotional concerns. The procedure may be performed under local anesthesia with or without sedation, or under general anesthesia. Several techniques are possible. The most common techniques are the wedge or trim techniques. Sometimes it is necessary to rule out hormonal causes for the labial tissue enlargement. It is important to consult with a Board-Certified plastic surgeon regarding the most appropriate technique and anesthesia for your particular case.
Thank you for sharing your question. Yes, the labia minora can be reduced in a procedure termed labiaplasty to address a number of concerns including tissue protrusion, hyperpigmentation, or functional issues. Be sure to see a specialist to get the best results
Dear Michelle,
Labia minora reduction or labiaplasty is a very common procedure in my practice. It is the 4th most common surgery I do. There are different methods of reshaping the labia. I find that often the excess clitoral hooding needs to be addressed at the same time. I do these surgeries in our certified office surgery suite under local anesthesia with minimal oral sedation. See a board certified plastic surgeon or gynecologist with experience in female genital cosmetic surgery for an in person consultation/evaluation. Remember, not all are experts at these delicate surgeries and if the outcome is suboptimal, it might not be possible to create a normal natural result later. Good luck.
Yes indeed, this is a very easy operation if performed by a certified plastic surgeon, most of the time as outpatient.
Michelle, It is a very common situation and it can be performed easily under local anesthesia and sedation.