American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
3 years ago

Fat grafting

I have had many surgeries for my reconstruction due to failure and infections. Although we are at the fat grafting point to add more and find symmetry in my breasts. Why when doing the abdominaloplasy would my Dr not take as much fat as he can for both breast sides? I'm asking because the pain is netrocuous who would knowingly make someone go through more than one fat grafting surgery?

Procedure: Breast Reconstruction

Replies 3

Samir Shureih

A better details of your history and planned surgery and your desires would be of help to answer your question in details.

What is the original problem?

What is the surgery you are contemplating?

Where are you in the reconstruction process?

There are many reconstructive breast surgeons available for you in different parts of the United States who are superb and can be of great help to you.

In a breast reconstruction process, you should look at it as a artnership with your surgeon to achieve the best safest plan possible.

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Benjamin Van Raalte

Generally fat grafting fails 20% of the time completely. Some patients dont form the capillaries (tiny blood vessels) for the fat cells to survive. Generally only a certain amount of fat will fit in the reconstructed tissue. So it could be limited to half a cup or less. As the layer thickens more can be added. For reconstructive fat grafting, multiple fat grafting operations may be required to fit in a little each time, and have it survive.

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Ashley Amalfi
ASPS Surgeon

Fat grafting is a great tool to use in breast reconstruction, but can vary in effectiveness from case to case. I use fat grafting for all of my patients and sometimes we need more than one round to achieve our desired result. Discuss the future plans and subsequent procedures with your surgeon to help you understand the long term plan. We can only use so much fat to a small area like a thin mastectomy flap, so it makes sense to take only the fat needed for grafting so that fat stores can be saved for future procedures. Good luck to you on your journey!


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