American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
Courtney Lehman
3 years ago

A arising issue

I had a breast augmentation done 4 years ago. (under the muscle gummy implant). Been noticing some pain in the right breast on and off. Also some unfamiliar movement of the implant I haven’t experienced before. Over the weekend I noticed tightness and pain again. When I rotate my arm I can feel it moving (and can hear it), I feel it moving exercising, doesn’t appear abnormal. Is this normal?

Procedure: Breast Augmentation
Location: Kelowna, BC - Canada

Replies 4

Farid Mozaffari
ASPS Surgeon

If you ever feel that there is something wrong or different about your implant, you should go see your doctor that placed the implants or another board certified plastic surgeon. It is impossible to determine if the implant or surrounding tissue/breasts are ok without a at least a physical exam.

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Michael Freedland
ASPS Surgeon

I have found in my practice that when a patient notices a significant change to their implants there is usually something going on that needs to be attended to. In some cases I have seen a contracture (too much scar tissue) or a rupture. You should definitely consult a plastic surgeon, but you should get an MRI to evaluate the implant.s.

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Nelson Castillo

Thank you for sharing your question. I would definitely recommend seeing your surgeon for an in-person examination. They can order any relevant diagnostic tests like an ultrasound, mammogram, or MRI based on any significant findings found during the exam. Hope this helps.

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Farhad Rafizadeh
ASPS Surgeon

You should contact your plastic surgeon and make an appointment for an evaluation. In particular you would want to rule out a seroma.

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