American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
2 years ago

Frowning bellybutton

What procedures would help correct my belly button. I have always had this shape for a belly button my entire life. My max weight was 175lb and I’m 5’5 and currently weigh 145lb . I have been considering lipo in the area but I’m not sure if that would even help. I would like to stay away from a tummy tuck but that may be the only option.

Procedure: Liposuction
Location: florence, AL

Replies 4

Larry Weinstein
ASPS Surgeon

Liposuction would help the excess adipose tissue in the area. Ultrasonic liposuction may help tighten the skin more than conventional or LASER liposuction. Good luck....

Michael Freedland
ASPS Surgeon

You do have some loose skin. This skin may be contributing to the shape of your umbilicus (belly button). However, a fat deposit in your lower belly (abdomen) may be contributing as well. I don’t find that Laser (Smart), Ultrasonic (Vaser) or Cryotherapy (Coolsculpt) Lipo works to shrink skin and I have seen patients that have sustained Burns.

Having said that, Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) will help a lot, but Lipo may reduce prominence in the lower abdomen. If you are against TT, you could start with Lipo.

Samir Shureih

Without an in-person physical examination and understanding your desired results and acceptance of scars, it is impossible to give you and advise. Depending on skin laxity, liposuction will make things worse. There is no adjunct to liposuction, lase, ultrasound that will tighten the skin.

Write down your desired results and questions then consult a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. It could be that your decision is No Surgery.

Nelson Castillo

Thank you for sharing your question and photographs. Nothing replaces an in-person examination of your tissues but I anticipate your abdominal skin and musculature to be lax and the best treatment would be a tummy tuck to address both. This can be combined with liposuction to further refine your results. Hope this helps.


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