American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
Anna L
2 years ago

Abdominal Implant?

I had a question about the possibility of a controversial procedure, if it even exists. Is there such thing as a procedure that allows an implant in the abdomen that will appear as a pregnant belly? Similar to the concept of the ab implants for men, but a pregnant belly implant? Is that possible, or a thing?

Procedure: Tummy Tuck
Location: Fort Benning, GA

Replies 2

Michael Freedland
ASPS Surgeon

Actually, I’m not aware of any abdominal implant - for men or women. It would seem that complications, such as contracture (internal scarring) would preclude the use of any abdominal implants.

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Chao-Chuan Wu
ASPS Int. Surgeon

No ! I think that no one will like to look like a pregnant women.

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