American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
hannah barett
2 years ago

Silicone implants at 18 ?

I turned 18 4 months ago and my boobs are really small. Theyve stopped growing completely and i know they wont grow anymore. I was so excited to get my boobs done until i recently found out you have to be 22 to get silicone implants ? Is that ture and is there surgeons who will do silicone for 18 year olds. Id much rather have silicone than saline.

Procedure: Breast Augmentation
Location: dayton, OH

Replies 8

J. Gerald Minniti
ASPS Surgeon

It's not true that you have to be 22 to get silicone gel implants. You can, and it is not below the standard of care, malpractice, against the law, or will it void the manufacturer's warrantee. The FDA has approved silicone gel implants for those 22 and older. That's it. Placing them in persons younger is considered 'off label' use, which is done frequently with other medications and devices.

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Scott Kasden

It is true that Silicone breast implants are cleared for use in patients who are 22 years of age and older. There are a couple of exceptions, including deformities, etc.

I don't agree with this policy, but here is the thing. When I agree to use the product, I agree to follow the rules. This is just me, and not a reference to anybody in specific, but I feel if I "cheated" by putting the device in patients that they are specifically not cleared for, how could I expect my patients to ever trust me to do the right thing for them? The answer is, I couldn't.

Karim Benitez-Marchand
ASPS Surgeon

Silicone breasts implants have been fda approved for 22 and older, however they can be placed in younger patients but it will be considered off label. Some surgeons do others won’t. I believe that a well informed patient that demonstrates mental competence can receive silicone breast implants at age 18. The parents have to agree also and the reason for rushing it needs to be clinically important. Waiting is better in most instances.

Chao-Chuan Wu

I suggest that you go to see Doctor Roger Kouri and have an interview with him then you can make the right decision .

Curtis Wong
ASPS Surgeon

There are many surgeons who are fine using gel implants ‘off label’ and you just have to make sure that the implant company will still honor their warranty in your case. Just call around but confirm with your surgeon that he/she will make sure you get your warranty.

Daniel Allan

You don't explain why you would rather have silicon iplants. In my 40 year career, I implanted many, many more saline implants than silicon, for both reconstructive and cosmetic patients, and I never had a woman say, after saline implants, that she wished she had had silicon impants, although the oposite has occurred. Bear in mind that all implants can leak. A leaky saline implant is of no medical consequece, although the woman will want it replaced. A leak in silicon implant can be a medical problem. Silicon inplants require regular monitoring to ascertain their integrity. If you were my daughter I would urge you to get saline implants.


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