American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
2 years ago

Stress after Rhinoplasty

Hello, I just had my rhinoplasty 2 weeks ago. However, during the first and second week I am in a lot of emotional stress. I do not cry though (just little tears but not ugly cry) I just wanna know if this emotional stress because of my personal life could have an impact with my rhinoplasty results? (like alter the results made by my surgeon?) Answers are appreciated as I'm overthinking this a lot

Procedure: Rhinoplasty
Location: Santa Maria - Philippines

Replies 4

Larry Florman

Hello Anna,

I truly have never heard of emotional personal stress having a physical effect on the outcome of a rhinoplasty. That being said, the stress could effect the way that you see your nose. Easy for me today, but perhaps bringing your personal life in order will help the way that you see your nose. Good Luck.

Larry D. Florman, M.D.

Louisville, Kentucky. USA

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Mauro Tarallo
ASPS Int. Surgeon

Rhinoplasty is just a procedure, it doesn’t impact your personal life, that will not change at all!

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Leonardo D'Alo De Oliveira
ASPS Int. Surgeon

The surgeries performed have enough structure and strength to resist emotional impacts. If this were not the case, most surgical procedures would have problems related to emotions, and this does not happen, so rest and relax! Let time take care of the result!

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Eugene Cherny
ASPS Surgeon

Anna, I agree with Dr. Florman and your biggest risk is that the stress may influence the way you percieve the rhinoplasty outcome. patients can have a beautiful result and not like it due to stress. that would be a shame. this being said, surgery especially of the face with a change in your self image is quite stressful in itself. hang in there.

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