Is it a clinic procedure to Correct an inverted nipple or does it need Anaesthesia? How long does it take for the nipple to heal? is it painful?
Yes, Rajasthan, correction of inverted nipples can be performed using local anesthesia in an office setting. Injecting the local anesthetic is a little uncomfortable but then the procedure itself is painless. After the procedure, over-the-counter pain medication is sufficient. Healing takes a couple of weeks. I use sutures that need to be removed after one week. You should use the Find A Surgeon link to locate a board certified plastic surgeon in your area for a personal consultation regarding your options.
An inverted nipple correction can be performed under local anesthesia in an office-based setting. The procedure takes approximately 30 minutes or lessPer side. Pain control can often be accomplished using over-the-counter medications. Good luck.
Correcting an inverted nipple is an easy procedure to perform under local anesthesia in the office. The nipple is numbed and the surgery is performed while you're awake. Healing time is within days, and Tylenol is all that's needed for pain control.
An inverted nipple can easily be corrected with local anesthesia in the clinic. It takes about a week to heal and pain is not intense.
#StayBeautiful @RealDrWorldWide
Dear Rajasthan,
Thank you for your excellent question. Correction of inverted nipples can be performed using local anesthesia in an office setting, and takes about thirty minutes to perform per side. After the procedure, over-the-counter pain medication is sufficient. Healing takes about one week. You can use the Find A Surgeon link to locate a board certified plastic surgeon in your area for a face to face consultation. Good luck!
I agree with all of the above but there is one other point to keep in mind: An inverted nipple, especially if it has recently become inverted, may be a sign of breast disease. You don't give your age, obstetrical/nursing history or any other information, so that possibility would need to be eliminated prior to surgical correction.
Inverted nipple correction can safely and pleasantly be performed under local anesthesia alone. Many patients opt for an oral sedative to make the experience more pleasant, and IV sedation is another option. The nipple takes 3 weeks to heal and usually over-the-counter pain medication is sufficient. Depending on your goals and anatomy, these responses may not be accurate, but they apply to 95% of patients I treat. Hope this helps!
Hi- thank you for your question. An inverted nipple can be easily corrected in the office win local anesthesia alone. The procedure is brief and recovery is very easy.
The location for inverted nipple surgery is up to the patient. It can be done safely in the office under just local anesthesia (or even a pain pill or light sedative), or if the patient wishes it can be done in an operating room with formal sedation or even general anesthesia. I have done it both ways successfully, leaving it up to the patient to decide where we will do it. Keep in mind -- surgery in the operating room will cost more overall because you will be paying anesthesia and facility fees. Healing time is quick -- about 1-2 weeks. Pain is usually not a major issue after the surgery. Sure, the nipple(s) will be tender, but it shouldn't be anything debilitating. It likely won't bother you at all after a few days. Best wishes!
Hi Rajasthan,
I perform many nipple procedures under local anesthesia and (if desired) laughing gas, although IV sedation or general anesthetic may be used. Many nipple procedures are performed in conjunction with other breast procedures, such as enlargement, lifting, reduction, and reconstruction. Any external stitches will absorb on their own. Most nipple scars are quite inconspicuous.
Dr. Ronald M. Friedman
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Hello and thank you for your question. Correction of nipple inversion is often performed under local anesthesia. It is not painful and healing is usually completed by 2 weeks. Hope this answers your question.
Best wishes,
Dr. Katerina Gallus
Thank you for your question. An inverted nipple can be successfully treated in the office under local anesthesia.
Before undergoing this surgery, it would be important to make sure there are no underlying breast lumps that could also cause inversion of the nipple.
I would recommend an in-person consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon.
I hope this answers your question.
Take care,
Dr M