I am post op day 3 and I know it is too early to know for sure but I am extremely concerned with thr amount of puckering along my incision lines. I also seem to still have excess skin, especially on my left side - there I'd a pocket of extra skin it appears. Will this truly ever go away snd is this amount of puckering along the incision lines normal or excessive?
It is very common to have puckering at incision sites immediately after breast reduction. The swelling takes approximately 3-6 months to settle. Best wishes
There are no pictures to evaluate but 3 days is just too early to tell anything. Ask your surgeon about it.
Puckering is very common after breast reductions. No way it can be assessed in early postoperative period. Please wait for 4 - 6 months. You have not mentioned about pre operative skin condition, neither amount removed. Nor is there any phoyograph. Difficult to comment
The puckering is very common, just wait for the swelling to subside. By 6 months you will notice that it will all settle down.