I want to remove my implants. After having kids, my breast have become bigger than I’d like. I have never had problems with the implants (saline) no pain or discomfort. They are under the muscle so they are not sticking out and I don’t feel them moving or anything. I would like to just remove them without any lift/reconstruction and would like to be only under local anesthesia. costs? time?
Yes, you can remove the implants under local anesthesia. I often deflate the saline implants in the office (using local anesthesia) a few weeks beforehand, so you can know what your breast size and shape will be. Then, if you are satisfied that your don't need a breast lift or volume adjustment, you can return to have the implant shells removed under local. There are many qualified ASPS-member surgeons in San Diego. You can call some offices to get an idea about costs involved.
Removal of breast implants ONLY can be done under local anesthesia, depending on your level of anxiety and tolerance to the mild discomfort to infiltrating the local anesthetic and pull and push to remove the implant.
Must understand that the final results and breast shape can not be guaranteed due to scarring.
Risks include infection, hematoma, seroma, unsatisfactory results with the shape size of the breast, correction of which may require further surgery.
Cost would depend on the further discussion with you and what you want, Such as decisions on the capsule, the incision and the most important the physical examination.
Have your medical records and pictures before and after would be very important.
I do this quite frequently and it is well tolerated. For anxious people, I prescribe Xanax pre-op
You may call my office to ask for a quote if you would like.
Thank you for sharing your question. This can absolutely be done under local in your surgeon's office. Recovery time is minimal and the incision is often the one used to place the implant. Seek out board certified practitioners in your area.
Excellent question. Deflation of the Implant can be done under local anesthesia in the office. Then your skin and breast tissue should shrink in about 4-6 weeks. At this point the implants can be removed in the office under local anesthesia.
However, if you need a full capsulectomy and /or mastopexy (breast lift), it would be difficult to do under local anesthesia and I suggest that this should be done under anesthesia.
Please meet with a board certified plastic surgeon to see which option is correct for you.
Best wishes!
The advantage of saline implants is they can be placed and removed through small incisions as they can be deflated before removal as well as after insertion. There should be many plastic surgeons in San Diego able to provide this service for you.
There are usually no problems removing them. On would go through the same inframammary incision and there are no muscles between the skin and implant pocket. A problem could arise if you have a thick capsule with perhaps calcification and you would require a capsulectomy and some bleeding could make things difficult. Most of the time this would not be a problem but because of this, many plastic surgeons would not do it in the office under local anesthesia. There are many ASPS members in San Diego and I am sure you can find one where you live. Some will do it and some will not under local anesthesia.