American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
2 years ago

Revision on Botched Lipo

Had initial lipo 2020,then revision (to break up scar--per novice surgeon) 2021, then focal revision to break up scar left lateral to belly button 2022. Indentation seen in various areas, which is what I'm upset about. I only want fat grafted in indents. I just want it to look better, I know it'll never be perfect.

Procedure: Liposuction
Location: Bronx, NY

Replies 4

Samir Shureih

Based on the limited pictures posted, and multiple procedures of liposuction, release of scars ( method unknown).

The repair after bad results of liposuction require multiple procedures and long time to achieve the satisfactory results and more expensive surgery.

Agree with you that initially you need fat transfer to dents and cannula marks, then maybe tightening procedure.

Choose a well experienced Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in your area to work with on the long run and make your informed decision.

Norman Bakshandeh
ASPS Surgeon

I dont think lipo and fat grafting is the proper path here. Surgical release is probably a surer solution.

Alfred Antonetti
ASPS Surgeon

Seems you have some loose skin which may have caused the problem to start. Hard to tell anything from the one picture but it is not that simple as to fat grafting. You need an in person consultation with an ASPS surgeon and there are a lot in NYC

Eduardo Camacho Quintero
ASPS Int. Surgeon
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currently there are technology-assisted treatments (bodytite, Morpheus8, for example) that can improve the appearance, you will need a proper profesional evaluation


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