American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
one year ago

Facial plastic surgery

There is great imbalance within the side profile view of my facial features. I am not sure if I need to get the size of my nose reduced (although it looks good from the front) or if I need to get a chin implant. Any opinions will help! Thank you!

Procedure: Rhinoplasty
Location: conway, PA

Replies 3

Ellis Tavin
ASPS Surgeon
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When evaluating chin projection you drop an imaginary line from the lower lip to the chin. In your case your chin aligns with your lower lip so it is your nose that is overprojected.

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Samir Shureih

Based on one sideview picture posted, you seem to be a very good candidate for a full rhinoplasty.

You also seem at the margin of needing a small chin implant.

You need an in-person evaluation by a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon for full History, physical examination in person.

There are many qualified plastic surgeon to give an honest recommendation. Maybe a rhinoplasty first then evaluate the harmony of the face and decide if a small chin implant is needed or will add to the harmony of the face.

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Alfred Antonetti
ASPS Surgeon

Firs t of all, you need to figure out what exactly it is about your nose that you do not like. Then we go through the different things that could be done to make you happy. It seems that a small reduction of the dorsum with elevation of the tip would look good to me as an example but you would need to see the difference yourself to see if you like it. You would be a candidate for rhinoplasty if that is what you want. You need to see what a chin implant would do prior to making up your mind. This can only be accomplished with a physical exam and in person consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon close to where you live.


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