American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
one year ago

Masculinizing Chest Surgery

Hello, I am curious to see if the surgeons have performed Masculine Chest Surgery for someone who is no longer wanting their breast (FTM) and wanting more a masculine chest. If so, do you have a list of which surgeons and health insurance that are covered? I am trans masculine and am looking for surgeons who are in network.

Procedure: Body Masculinization
Location: san antonio, TX

Replies 4

Christopher Livingston
ASPS Surgeon
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I have and know how this can change your life. In my experience and depending on your exam, mastectomy with free nipple graft and liposuction is required. Insurance should cover the mastectomy and free nipple graft but liposuction is considered cosmetic.

Shana Kalaria
ASPS Surgeon

I have done this procedure with keeping the nipple attached to its blood supply. Either technique can be used. Call your insurance company to find in-network surgeons.

Joseph Mlakar
ASPS Surgeon
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Yes. But in my region, most plastic surgeons do not accept insurance coverage for this line of work, and most insurance carriers do not cover it. Call and ask the plastic surgery offices in your geographic region.

David Delgado
ASPS Int. Surgeon
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Hi Gibby, Chest surgery is an important step in your transition, it is recommended that you have got at least 1 year hormone replacement, there are different techniques you can get to make your chest look more masculine; it’s up to the volume we should remove; most of the cases require a horizontal scar in the inframammary fold and around the nipple areola complex; I prefer preserve the nipple circulation, it gets better results in the long term. Nipple areola sensation couldn’t be preserve in all cases. I have done some surgeries in international patient who had made money recovery to their assurance; just ask to them.


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