American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
one year ago

After revision

My stomach 1 year post op needed revision a office procedure I was awake and my belly button was reshaped but it feel too high. the lower scar needed fix only part of my hip to hip scar was recut for revision the scar is not good and the hip to hip scar looks as if it’s hanging over I have daily stomach pain and I feel a ball like shape that moves right stomach. And a apron looking result why?

Procedure: Tummy Tuck
Location: Fairfield, CA

Replies 2

Alfred Antonetti
ASPS Surgeon

It is not possible to give any advice without knowing exactly what procedures you had, reviewing your preoperative pictures and performing a physical exam. From the limited pictures that you provided it seems you have a wound that is healing from a not too long ago procedure. There are multiple striae that show poor quality of skin and this can cause healing problems but the scars are healing as would be expected. Don't know if you had any liposuction or not and seems this would help some at this point but not before all heals and settles down. When we have surgery there are changes in the body as it heals and sometimes there is some pain that we can not explain properly and we can not do anything about. It usually subsides with time.

Benjamin Van Raalte

Obviously without the medical records and examination this is a best guess. On the other hand, depending on your preoperative weight, and your current weight this is an average result. Surgery cannot repair the quality of skin and if your quality of skin was changed by pregnancy and weight it will still have stretch marks and not be as tight. Likewise the surgery creates a flap of skin that can have some prolonged or permanent lymphedema. Most importantly the abdominal flap above the thinner groin skin cannot be liposuctioned so thin to match it perfectly. If it were liposuctioned that thin initially it would die. I don't think that belly button can be moved lower nor should it be as it looks appropriate. Moving it lower would lead to a bigger scar. I would work on additional steps of weight loss and exercise first to get more improvement and building your body self esteem, than additional surgery.

Then later a small amount of liposuction may be able to finesse the final result.


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