American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
one year ago

Is ultrasonic rhinoplasty legit?

I found a surgeon online who does ‘ultrasonic rhinoplasty.’ However, I don’t really find much information on this anywhere else. Could someone please give me some information on this and say if this is a legit/safe technique?

Procedure: Rhinoplasty
Location: Košice - Slovakia

Replies 3

Andrew Kornstein
ASPS Surgeon

It is my article/technique

It is not an ultrasonic rhinoplasty per se, however skin quality of the nose can limit the aesthetic outcome.

Ultrasound shrinks nasal skin and reduces post op nasal tip scar leading to a much more aesthetic result



David Delgado
ASPS Int. Surgeon
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Hi Marinaleva, Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty is a thecnique used to reduce swelling and bruising, it use a machine called piezotome witch works with minimal ultrasonic movements to make a more accurate bone cuts and tissue shaping, so it is a good option.

Adolfo Sesto
ASPS Int. Surgeon

Maybe is good for functional purposes like "turbinectomy", but is no good for a conventional aesthetic Rhinoplasty, because it is still mostly a hands on artesanal surgery.


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