American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
Concerned Mother
one year ago

How old do you have to be?

My daughter is 16 years old and her bra size is 44DDD, she has to wear two bras for support.

I would like to know the age range to qualify for a breast reduction.

Procedure: Breast Reduction
Location: HOUSTON, TX

Replies 8

Carlos Quintero
ASPS Int. Surgeon

In my opinion and experience, the discomfort related with breast enlargement is so important, in the general quality of life of people, that a breast reduction is indicated at this age.

There are doubts about breastfeeding in the future, usually the improvements related with the breast reduction are more important than this issue. However, some techniques that preserve the connection between the nipple and some breast tissue, the possibility of breastfeeding is possible.

Daniel Allan

There is no rigid minimum age. The operation can be done at 16; however, if her breasts are still growing, it is best deferred until growth is complete if she can tolerate waiting.

Alfred Antonetti
ASPS Surgeon

There is no certain age requirement to have the procedure done. It is preferable to wait until the breasts are not growing anymore but exceptions can be made according to the severity of the symptoms. Most plastic surgeons would prefer to wait until there is no further growth so that the procedure does not have to be done again. Most of these girls start to develop very early and by the time they are 16 there is no more growth and this is probably the case with your daughter. Most of the time this is an insurance covered procedure but it can be done as a cosmetic operation as well. There are a lot of very well qualified ABPS certified plastic surgeons in Houston and the best you could do now is to set up a consultation with someone close to home. They will give you all the information you could possibly need.

Richard Bosshardt
ASPS Surgeon

There is no particular age restriction. My youngest patient for a breast reduction was 14 or 15. There is a condition known as virginal hypertrophy of the breasts in which girls going through puberty have breast tissue that is particularly sensitive to estrogen and their breasts can grow to immense size. These are some of the biggest breasts I have seen. The twin concerns in doing breast reductions on young girls are preserving sensation in the nipple area of the breast and preserving the ability to nurse a baby. Sometimes this is just not possible. One technique for reducing really large breasts is to remove the nipple/areola from the breasts, do the reduction, and then replace the nipple/areola as a graft at the end of the surgery. This is almost 100% successful but destroys sensation and any chance of breast feeding. One possibe concern is that the breasts may continue to grow and require surgery again later. This possibility needs to be accepted if surgery is truly needed now.

Kenneth Francis
ASPS Surgeon

Dear Concerned,

When the breast size is so significant that it causes symptoms and interferes with a young girl's quality of life, i.e. ability to participate in sports, social activities, peer ridicule, a breast reduction is indicated. The main concern is that the breasts may still be growing at that age and may again need to be reduced at a future time. Seek consultation with an American Board of Plastic Surgery board certified plastic surgeon in your area for an examination and discussion on your daughter's options. Good luck!

Hossein Abdali
ASPS Int. Surgeon

After 16 years we could operate breast for reduction but there are three important challenges , continues growth , scar and breast feeding . Before operation thinking about these

Ram Kalus
ASPS Surgeon

Thank you for your question. Breast reduction surgery is essentially a "quality of life" operation and there is little doubt that your daughter's quality of life is being negatively impacted by her large breasts. This is not only true from a purely physical standpoint (neck, back, shoulder discomfort, limitation with physical activity such as running and other sports, finding proper bras and clothing, etc.) but also social, personal, and psychological well being at her young age..

A woman's breast size is impacted by many factors including genetics, age, hormones, pregnancy, body weight, etc. such that it is difficult to predict if the surgery she has at age 16 will be the one and only operation she ever needs on her breasts. But I would not make that a deciding factor with regard to timing. This surgery can be life changing for your daughter. Please seek the advice of an experienced board certified plastic surgeon with whom you and she seem to connect well. Best of luck to you.

Gunnar Bergqvist
ASPS Surgeon

I would recommend an evaluation by a ASPS Plastic Surgeon. Your daughter potentially is a candidate at that age . The positive impacts of a breast reduction is very high in most patients. The unique aspects of your daughter’s possible breast reduction should be evaluated in person. This will also clarify if this is a good choice or not


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