American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
one year ago

Woman with masculine unfavorable features

I am not happy with my face but I don’t know what procedures to consider to appear more feminine and beautiful. I have done buccal fat removal, fat injections under eyes and in chin, lip lift and some shaving on the sides of my chin. Which procedures should i consider? Mind the bad hair, i wear wigs.

Procedure: Facial Feminization
Location: antioch, CA

Replies 4

Samir Shureih

Based on the pictures posted, you seem to have a very beautiful facial attributes. You do not need anything surgical or non-surgical done.

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Daniel Allan

In order a plastic surgeon to help any one, that person must be able to identify the features with which he/she is unhappy. Actually, I think you are quite attractive. Your profile is fine and you have a lovely smile. You do not look masculine in any way. Leave well enough alone.

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Daniel Allan

In order a plastic surgeon to help any one, that person must be able to identify the features with which he/she is unhappy. Actually, I think you are quite attractive. Your profile is fine and you have a lovely smile. You do not look masculine in any way. Leave well enough alone.

Alfred Antonetti
ASPS Surgeon

Trying to fix something that does not need fixing is a prescription for trouble as it may end up breaking it. You should not have anything else done

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