I had a baby 1 yr ago and my sex life is not the same with my fiance i dont enjoy sex no more i feel like im to open down there is there like something i can do ? To make it back tight as before i had the baby ? The baby is my second child
Hi Dear
You need a vaginal rejuvenation / reconstruction that it is called colpoperineoplasty/vaginoperineoplasty. This operation is very rewarding in cases like yours. I recommend looking for a first time consultation with a certified Gynecologist in your area. You’ll enjoy life again. With warmest regards, Jose Luis Valero, MD
This is a common and difficult issue for women after childbearing. Surgery is always a consideration but in the last 3 years there have been tremendous advances with laser resurfacing of the vaginal canal to tighten the tissue, improve lubrication and make tissue younger and healthier. diVA (by Sciton) is amazing and has minimal downtime. It is a series of three treatment over a 3 month period and also helps with urine leakage if that is an issue for you. Look for a Board certified surgeon who performs diVA in your area and meet with your gynecologist as well. Best wishes to you.
Thank you for sharing your excellent question. There are options available to you to tighten both your internal vaginal tissues as well as skin opening. See a specialist in vaginal rejuvenation procedures to assist you in your journey. Best wishies