American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
Paola Lenger
one year ago

Damaged skin due to lasering

I have always had a remarkably smooth and healthy skin. Some years back I underwent laser therapy to have facial hair removed from the lower half of my face. This has left me with severely damaged skin (acne-like furrows), which seems to have gotten worse over the years to the point where I no longer dare to date or even look at my face in the mirror up close. Can this be medically improved?

Procedure: Skin rejuvenation and resurfacing
Location: Amsterdam, NH - Netherlands

Replies 3

Samir Shureih

Can not tell what sort of skin damage you have. Never had skin damage to the extent you describe. How ever YES there are some treatments that can improve skin texture, scars. You need to consult a BAORD CERTIFIED PLASTIC SURGEON in person and discuss your concerns and possible treatments.

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Tanongsak Panyawirunroj
ASPS Int. Surgeon
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From your given history looks like you have had infected folliculitis that's a common side effect after hair removal laser and you havn't recieved a appopriate treatment then your skin will damage from these infection. You need antibiotic treatment to cure the infection first and do scar treatment after that.

Alfred Antonetti
ASPS Surgeon

You need an in person consultation with a local real plastic surgeon to see what if anything can be done.


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