American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
one year ago

Where's the reconstruction?

The picture on the top of me holding the purple cup is before breast cancer. The picture of me on the left hand bottom corner is after my bilateral mastectomy.

The final picture on the bottom right hand corner this after my supposed reconstruction to restore me back to where I was. I'm four months post up is it too soon to see if I know results or should I get a second opinion?

Procedure: Breast Reconstruction
Location: Austin, TX

Replies 4

Antonio Conde
ASPS Int. Surgeon

those pictures look like they are representing different stages of your life and body fitness... its hard to understand by the pictures what kind of reconstruction you went through. I´d say that if you work your body you could go back to the first picture... Perhaps try to see your doctor again or hear a second opinion.

Richard Bosshardt
ASPS Surgeon

Personally, I would not have operated on your for gynecomastia. At least by the photographs you posted, your breast development preoperatively was not out of proportion for men with your physique. It is obvious to me that you have gained a great deal of weight in the after photographs. Before blaming your surgeon or seeking another opinion, you should get back to the weight you were at when you had the surgery.

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Alfred Antonetti
ASPS Surgeon

You state that you had a mastectomy for cancer. What was the problem before the surgery? Was it cancer or gynecomastia? Then, What kind of mastectomy did you have. One can not tell much from these pictures except that you have gained a significant amount of weight since and this makes a big difference in how things look

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Tanongsak Panyawirunroj
ASPS Int. Surgeon
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From your given 3 photos, It's look like you gain more weight and fatty tissue and lost a lot of muscle mass. If you need to get back to your fist pic you need to gain more muscle and get back to your ideal weight again.


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