Ruptured or not
You should read the radiology report to get their opinion. The radiologist will have looked at the entire study. If your implanting surgeon is still available, you can go back in for a follow up exam. Otherwise, you can speak with another board certified plastic surgeon. If you don't like your implants (I am guessing based on your screen name) you can have them removed.
It is difficult to tell from these images, but your radiologist would know best as they can zoom into irregularities and see the images in high resolution. They are also trained to look for irregularities and abnormalities. You can review your radiology report or ask for your imaging to be read again. Even if the implants are intact, removal is possible. Good luck!
The name you used speaks volumes. No one can look at the photos you posted and tell you whether your implants have leaked/ruptured or not. Mammograms and ultrasound are notoriously poor at diagnosing a ruptured gel implant. If you truly believe that your implants are causing you medical issues, you should have them removed, regardless. Only this way can you know what, if any, role your implants play in your condition. Realize that it is a 50:50 proposition whether you will feel better or not. We have been studying the issue of alleged breast implant illness for over thirty years and still have not bee able to conclusively connect having implants to any known illness. There are suggestions that a few women may be susceptible to some autoimmune disorders if they have implants, but the numbers are just too small to draw hard conclusions. If your implants are old, the capsules (scar tissue that forms around all implants and sometimes calcify over time) should be removed as well.
Ruptured most likely if read as such by the radiologist but no guarantees of any kind, An MRI is more diagnostic but again not 100%. You need an in person consultation with a local board certified or eligible plastic surgeon
It's difficult to tell from only images. We need your complete history, physical examination and radiologist report for definitely diagnosis.