American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
one year ago

My surgeon left the capsule inside

Hey, im having anxiety and I really need help please

I removed my silimed implant after 8 years because of anxiety and the fear from getting BIA-ALCL.After the surgery I found that he didn’t remove my capsules and when I asked for the reason he said it was too thin ! After explant in 2 weeks I got seroma and disappeared after a while it’s been 5 years and I’m stl scared to death from getting BII

Procedure: Breast Implant Removal
Location: beirut - Lebanon

Replies 5

J. Gerald Minniti
ASPS Surgeon

There is no available evidence to suggest that removing a thin, unaffected capsule from someone who had previously textured implants, is going to change any potential outcome in the future.

Syed Sayeed
ASPS Surgeon

Removing a thin capsule may cause trauma to surrounding tissue that is probably unnecessary.

Samir Shureih

Beitut Lebanon

If you had no symptoms and problems with your implant and BII, and your surgeon is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, I am sure he/she looked at the capsule, felt it and there was no issue. Then there is no scientific evidence at the present time the a thin normal capsule should be removed. A capsulectomy is much bigger surgery and has significant complications, and no need to remove the capsule. Having a seroma after surgery can resolve spontaneously or by aspiration. If you have no problems now you do not need to worry. If you are very anxious now you can ask your Board Certified Plastic Surgeon to have an MRI of the breast, which hopefully will not show any abnormality.

Alfred Antonetti
ASPS Surgeon

Congratulations to your surgeons. They did the right thing in not removing the thin capsule. Removing it could have caused a lot of problems and complications and then for sure nobody would be happy. There is no evidence that removing the capsule would prevent BIA. It is very common to develop a seroma after this kind of surgery and probably many times more and much more severe when the capsule is removed. It is usually no problem at all as in your case. The chances of you developing a breast cancer are one in eight whether you have implants or not and the chances of you developing BIA are infinitesimally small even if you still had the implants in place which you do not. BIA is much more easy to treat than regular breast cancer with a much better prognosis. You have a lot more to worry about about regular breast cancer that has nothing to do with breast implants than you do about the thin capsule that was left behind that is not going to hurt anything. No reason to worry about this.

Tanongsak Panyawirunroj
ASPS Int. Surgeon
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There is no available evidence to suggest that removing a thin capsule because may induce unecessary breast tissue trauma. They is no evidence of removed the capsule would preventing BIA-ALCL cancer. You have to worry about about regular breast cancer that has nothing to do with breast implants than you do about the thin capsule that was left behind that is not going to hurt anything. No reason to worry about this.


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