American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
one year ago

Please Help Me

Hello , I am a 31 year old single mother of 3 children. Currently in Nursing School and experiencing extreme symptoms . In 2019 I got a breast lift and my doctor recommends implants . Now I’m experiencing every symptom of breast implant illness and can’t focus in school . Rashes , headaches , memory fog etc. I can’t afford to have them removed . Can someone help me anyone I feel like I’m dying

Procedure: Breast Implant Removal
Location: houston, TX

Replies 6

Rozbeh Torabi
ASPS Surgeon
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This may be breast implant illness from implants or you may have set off an inflammatory process. I would try a low inflammatory diet. Also would suggest a liver detox and probiotics to restore your gut bacteria . Once your body has healed and if there is still an issue then look at removing the implants. Main thing will be decreasing the inflammatory process.

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Miguel Ángel Rivera

If you don’t feel good with your implants I think have to remove it , try to check your implants With image like MRI to see the forma and position of it and then with this results we can make a planning to remove and reconstruction be patience some medication could modulate the symptoms

Samir Shureih

Breast implant illness is being studies now by many Board Certified Plastic Surgeons through out the US . Many plastic surgeons would recommend :

1: removal of implants

2: removal of implants and total capsulectomy

3: Removal of implants and so called DETICFICATION therapy.

AS of date none have shown any plan to be the scientific answer.

Realistically would tell patients like you is to remove the implants with or without capsulectomy and hope symptoms will improve and accept the resultantant deformity of the breast and hope the symptoms will improve. No guarantees or warrantees given or implied.

You can check with your insurance if they cover such surgery.

There are many Board Certified Plastic Surgeons who are doing the studies, you can ask the American Society of Plastic surgery who are doing the studies and contact them. They are doing a scientific study with extensive study of autoimmune diseases, Heavy metal studies and realistic scientific studies.

Curtis Wong
ASPS Surgeon

I am sorry to hear of concerns and suspicion that your implants may be the source of your many symptoms. As suggested by Dr. Torabi, it would be worthwhile to see if diminishing the inflammatory process would help. And if not, start calling offices locally to see if anyone there can help you. If you were in my town, with your circumstances, could remove the implants for $200 (sorry, unable to do it for free). But if your source of symptoms are some other issue, this will not help. It would really be nice if your implanting surgeon could do this for you for some reasonable fee but that is not a universally shared perception.

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Tanongsak Panyawirunroj
ASPS Int. Surgeon
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This may be breast implant illness from implants or you may have set off an inflammatory process that onset after the operation aggravation. From your past history you had been super stress situation in life (Single mom with 3 children with work hard) that made you have a lot of inflammation in your body and adrenal fatique syndrome (Exuasted, difficult to concentrate, Rashes , headaches , memory fog etc.) I would try a low inflammatory diet. Also would suggest a liver detox and probiotics to restore your gut bacteria and treat your adrenal fatique with cortisol and hormone management therapy. Once your body has healed and if there is still an issue then look at removing the implants. Main thing will be decreasing the inflammatory process.

Robert Oliver
ASPS Surgeon

There is no evidence to substantiate that "breast implant illness" (BII) actually exists as a clinical entity nor is there even a plausible mechanism to associate your implants with the symptoms you describe. This has.been looked at exhaustively for the better part of 4 decades without evidence to connect the dots.

While an implant may cause pain locally, the idea it serves as some occult systemic "inflammation bomb" everywhere but where it's located is not supported by the large body of evidence


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